Cannabis First Gum in Clinical Trial for IBS Sufferers


Following the news that AXIM Biotechnologies, Inc. had received�approval from the Medical Ethical Committee�of Wageningen University to study novel treatments for patients suffering from IBS, Axim is now pleased to announce that they have entered clinical trials for the first-ever study, using the Company's CanChew Plus CBD gum.

Combined with previously announced PK studies, the METC approval marks another key step toward clinical trials for a cannabis-based treatment for the most common functional gastrointestinal disorder in the world," George E. Anastassov, MD, DDS, MBA and Chief Executive Officer of AXIM� Biotech, told The Street. "The global treatment market for irritable bowel syndrome is estimated to grow in value to $1.5 billion by 2023. We believe that our CanChew Plus� and other cannabis-based products provide viable solutions for suffering patients."

The study will include a group of 40 patients ranging in between the ages of 18-85, who are diagnosed with IBS according to ROME III criteria and will determine the effectiveness of CanChew Plus in alleviating IBS symptoms. The controlled-release hemp oil CBD chewing gum will be tested along with matching placebo gums.

The CBD gum will contain 50mg of CBD and per the trial's protocols the patients can take up to 6 chewing gums a day to help control stomach cramps, bloating, pain and other symptoms of IBS. Overall the first-of-its-kind study's perceived outcome is pain reduction. Furthermore, the study will also be recording general relief and changes in stool frequency.

IBS is the most common functional gastrointestinal disorder and affects up to 23 percent of the global population and has no sustainable cure. People suffering from IBS often experience sudden flare-ups and the ailment has a negative impact on the quality of their lives.

CBD has been shown to have promising effects with practical and effective formulations. Providing CBD using chewing gum allows sustained release of the compound and better bio-availability. CanChew� is a unique hemp-derived CBD functional chewing gum that is distinctly different from any other brands of gum on the market.

Features listed on the CanChew� website include:

  • Non-habit forming
  • No prescription needed
  • Available in all 50 states
  • Great-tasting mint gum has no artificial sweeteners or preservatives
  • Non-GMO, gluten free, vegan and kosher

    CanChew Plus� is a vastly improved delivery system than the alpha version of CanChew� Gum. It is produced by a leading European functional gum manufacturer.

    A positive outcome from this IBS clinical trial will allow the company to proceed with further trials on the pharmaceutical grade CanChewRx products to treat inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

    "Our goal is to help people suffering from various gastrointestinal disorders with no effective remedies such as IBD and Crohn's disease. With positive outcome from the IBS studies, we would immediately enter trials for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and Crohn's disease," said Anastassov.

    AXIM Biotechnologies, Inc. is committed to finding research-based cannabinoid solutions that help consumers suffering from health conditions like IBS that currently have no effective remedies.

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