Getting "POPular" with Broadway's Nick Adams

Kilian Melloy READ TIME: 5 MIN.

Broadway hottie, actor, and singing sensation Nick Adams joins the Boston Gay Men's chorus on stage at Jordan Hall for the Chorus' June concert, which takes the theme of popular music and a fitting title to boot.

Adams is a graduate of the Boston Conservatory of Music. After the Conservatory, Adams headed to Broadway, where he originated the role of Adam/Felicia in "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert" and appeared in numerous musicals, including "La Cage aux Folles," "Wicked," "A Chorus Line," and "Chicago." He's also appeared in the films "An Englishman in New York" and "Sex and the City 2," and kept busy off-stage with TV appearances on shows ranging from "The New Girl" to "It Could be Worse," to "The Battery's Down." Adams will also appear in the upcoming TV movie "For Real."

As a matter of full disclosure, this EDGE correspondent must note that he is a member of the Chorus and will also be performing at the June concert.

Adams arrived in Boston for rehearsals with he BGMC straight from Rio de Janeiro, where he had been warping with Broadway Dreams to bring a taste of the theater arts to underprivileged children. Far from seeming drained by the experience, Adams was bright-eyed, energetic, and enthusiastic as he effortlessly mastered the choreography (and the colorful costumes) that the Chorus had waiting for him. In one number -- aptly enough, given his recent stint in Brazil -- he was clad as a sexy matador; in another, he shed his shirt and went bare chested. (For more about Adams' uninhibited physical beauty, check out this article at EDGE print partner The Bay Area Reporter. To see for yourself, buy a ticket and head to Jordan Hall. "POPular!" offers two shows: Friday night, June 3, at 8 p.m. and Sunday afternoon, June 5, at 3 p.m.)

As Adams told EDGE, his return to Boston is a welcome occasion upon which he's looking forward not only to performing with the Chorus, but also reconnecting with the city. Hear more of his thoughts below:

EDGE: Will your appearance with the Boston Gay Men's Chorus for our June concert be your first collaboration with a GLBT Chorus?

Nick Adams: No, it's my first time with BGMC, but I recently was a guest artist with the NYC GMC and hosted their spring gala "Harmony." It was an honor to sing with them and I'm thrilled to be joining the chorus in Boston.

EDGE: You're going to have some solos at the BGMC show, of course, the theme (and title) for which is "POPular!" Did you have a chance to select a couple of your own favorite pop gems? Or was [BGMC Music Director] Reuben [Reynolds] a tyrant who refused to let you make your own selections?

Nick Adams: Hah, no! Reuben is an old friend. We collaborated on song choices and he gave me a wide range of eras to choose from.

EDGE: How did this collaboration between yourself and the BGMC come about? I understand you are an alumnus of the Boston Conservatory of Music -- did that play a part?

Nick Adams: Yes, I am a graduate of the Boston Conservatory and have kept a relationship with the school. I ran into Rueben and Bill Casey, a former teacher of mine, while singing out in P-Town last summer. They mentioned the idea at that time and I said I would be delighted to make it happen. A few months later my agent called and said there was a request and the rest is history.

EDGE: Are you looking forward to visiting the Hub of the Universe? Is there anything special you'd like to see or do while you're here?

Nick Adams: I love Boston. It's always held a special place in my heart after living there for four years while studying. I hope to visit the Charles and spend time with friends.

EDGE: I'm sure you'd have heard about the Chorus' historic tour in Israel and Turkey last summer, which the Chorus felt was important from a perspective of outreach, support for the region's LGBT people, and cultural education on the part of the tour's participants. Of course, now that marriage equality or a reality in all 50 states, we're seeing states introduce blatantly discriminatory laws and sometimes it feels like certain regions of our own nation need some cultural outreach! How do you react to the flurry of anti-LGBT laws we've seen popping up around the country?

Nick Adams: It saddens and angers me. With the incredible progress that has been made for our community on a national level in recent years, we are now taking steps backwards in many areas. It's unacceptable. We can't stand for it. We need to continue to demand equality, raise our voices, and support politicians who will fight the deterioration of acceptance.

EDGE: You've been busy on Broadway, doing shows like "Guys and Dolls," "Chicago," "A Chorus Line," and "Wicked." Do you feel a special affinity for classics of that caliber, with real cultural cache?

Nick Adams: I've always been drawn to classic musical theatre and have been fortunate to do some revivals in my career. I grew up idolizing "A Chorus Line" and "Chicago." To have had the opportunity to be a part of both of those shows on Broadway was a dream come true.

EDGE: You were also in the stage version of "Priscilla, Queen of the Desert," where you originated one of the leading roles, that of Felicia. How did it feel, being in such a fun, overtly and supportively gay theater work?

Nick Adams: That show was the most rewarding experience of my career. To originate a starring role in a Broadway show is really the ideal for a musical theatre actor.

It was incredibly gratifying to seeing how the show affected the audiences. People had a blast but some were very touched by that show. The heart really came through all of the spectacle. I had the most fun I've ever had onstage or off in that role. What an iconic gay story to be a part of!

EDGE: Are there a few dream roles you're waiting to stick on your "bucket list?"

Nick Adams: I'd love to originate something again and do more TV and film.

EDGE:After joining us in Boston, what will your next adventure be?

Nick Adams: I'll be off to San Francisco to perform my concert at Feinstein's at The Nikko June 10 & 11. Then I'll be all over the country working with the Broadway Dreams Foundation for the summer.

For tickets and more information about The Boston Gay Men's Chorus' "POPular!" please go to

For more about Nick Adams, please go to or follow Nick Adams @thenickadams

by Kilian Melloy , EDGE Staff Reporter

Kilian Melloy serves as EDGE Media Network's Associate Arts Editor and Staff Contributor. His professional memberships include the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association, the Boston Online Film Critics Association, The Gay and Lesbian Entertainment Critics Association, and the Boston Theater Critics Association's Elliot Norton Awards Committee.

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