Ask A Lawyer :: How Do I Get a K-1 Fiancé Visa


Question: I met someone online from another country, and I want to see if it is possible to bring him here to the U.S. We have been talking for a few months, and I am planning to visit him next month. Our relationship is getting serious, and I want to know what the next steps would be for him to come to the U.S.?

Answer: It sounds like the K-1 fianc� visa would be a great option for you and your partner. As a U.S. Citizen, you can sponsor your partner for a fianc� visa that will allow him to enter the U.S. as your fianc�. In order to qualify, you need to have proof that you have met in person at least once in the past two years, and proof that you are in a legitimate relationship.

Since you are planning to travel to visit him, now would be the perfect time to start working on gathering documents that will meet these requirements. Things such as plane tickets, hotel receipts, restaurant receipts, and pictures can serve as proof that you have met in person. Additionally, all the conversations you have had prior to meeting can be used to prove your relationship is real, whether they are by email, Skype, WhatsApp, etc.

Once you have met your partner in person, you can file a petition with United States Citizenship and Immigration Services on his behalf as your fianc�. On average this process takes around four to six months, and at the end of it your fianc� will receive a K-1 visa that will allow him to come into the U.S. in order for the two of you to get married. Once you are married, he will also be eligible to receive a green card and live in the United States as a permanent resident.

Attorney Julia Thome is the Supervising Attorney for, the immigration division at Higbee & Associates, a national law firm. Ms. Thome is always eager to help members of the LGBTQ community. Call (855) 519-3970 to discuss your eligibility today!

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