Starbucks Red Coffee Cup Conspiracy Theorist Endorses Huckabee


As the religious right wing presidential flavor-of-the month shifted from candidate to candidate before settling on Ted Cruz, eighth place presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee has been left scrambling for endorsements.

Among the handful of B-list hate mongers throwing their support behind the former Arkansas governor, is Joshua Feuerstein, the YouTube personality behind the Starbucks red holiday coffee cup non-conspiracy.

"I ask myself who Jesus would vote for ... and that answer is Governor Mike Huckabee," said Feuerstein, who bills himself as a "social media Christian advocate.

The Friendly Atheist points out that Feuerstein is the guy who slammed a dad for buying his son a Little Mermaid doll, urged Christians to point a gun at their heads so they can get used to what persecution feels like, claimed that a church/state separation case marked the beginning of the "Christian Holocaust," and blamed the San Bernardino shootings on a lack of forced prayer in public schools.

Huckabee launched his campaign with a very public endorsement from JimBob and Michelle Duggar. That endorsement sat front and center on his campaign's website's home page until news of Josh Duggar's molestation scandal broke. It was promptly removed from Huckabee's website.

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