Dr. Ben Carson Says Gay Marriage Will Lead to Polygamy


GOP presidential hopeful Dr. Ben Carson is once again making disparaging remarks about homosexuality, this time claiming the acceptance of marriage equality in America could allow the definition of marriage to change to allow more than two people in a union.

Carson spoke with radio host Eric Metaxes Friday where he suggested same-sex marriage would lead to a different definition of marriage "and on it goes from there," BuzzFeed reports.

"The other thing you have to recognize and this is a very important issue," Carson said. "If you change the definition of marriage for one group what defense do you have for the next group that comes along and wants it changed. Can you say, 'no we're just changing it this one time and it will this way for forever.' Well, how is that fair? I mean, it doesn't make any sense."

Metaxes then said allowing gay marriage would spark conversation about the idea that marriage has to be between two people.

Carson said: "That's the natural next question and on it goes from there." He added that allowing gay marriage would mean the "word of God" would be changed regarding other aspects.

"Effectively what it does is it takes away from the tradition of family that we've known for thousands of years but also it negates an important part of the word of God," he said. "If you can do that with one part of the word of God you can do with the rest of it too. Toss the whole thing in the garbage."

This isn't the first time the former neurosurgeon has made anti-gay comments. Back in March, he claimed being gay is a choice, citing prisoners as proof.

"...Lots of people who go into prison go into prison straight -- and when they come out, they're gay. So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question," he said.

Carson later apologized for his comments and said he "realized that my choice of language does not reflect fully my heart on gay issues."

"I do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation. I regret that my words to express that concept were hurtful and divisive. For that I apologize unreservedly to all that were offended," Carson said.

Listen to audio of Carson's latest remarks about gay marriage via BuzzFeed by clicking here.

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