Cruz'n for a Bruising: Boycott on Fire Island Properties in Wake of Party for Anti-Gay Pol


If you host Ted Cruz business you may lose.

Hotelier Ian Reisner may have been savvy / lucky enough to have snatched up 80% of the commercial property in Fire Island Pines for less than half of its initial asking price, but due to a horrifically foolish move made by the gay hotelier Monday that could jeopardize his first season's success, he might have overpaid.

On Thursday, The New York Times published a piece chronicling historically anti-gay senator and 2016 GOP hopeful Ted Cruz's trip to New York City Monday, where he attended an event hosted at the Central Park South penthouse of Reisner and his former romantic (but current business) partner Mati Weiderpass. The evening included a dinner and "fireside chat" with Senator Cruz.

At the event, Cruz, was quoted as saying "If one of my daughters was gay, I would love them just as much," - a statement in harsh contrast to the Texas Republican's long history of voting against LGBT causes that has earned him a dismal 20% rating from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC).

News of the newly self-installed "Pope of the Pines"'s party in Cruz's honor incensed New York's gay community and spawned a Facebook page titled "Boycott Fire Island Pines Establishments & Out NYC Hotel" Thursday. The page has garnered over 2,177 likes in less than a day.

"We understand that it's a controversial and sometimes detrimental tactic, but feel free to write a Yelp review for XL Nightclub (aka BPM) and The Out NYC Hotel. Or follow either business on Facebook and let them know your thoughts." An early post reads.

A comment to that post reads: "Furthermore, don't pay attention to the excuses that will be posted on this page by people with a vested interest in either establishment. We are entering a transformative era in gay rights and American politics where the rich and white gay men will be on top of the food chain just like their straight counterparts; this page and the idea that drives it is important because it serves to remind everybody that human rights should supersede your personal financial gain. No excuses."

In a move to control the damage, a statement by Reisner addressing the controversy was posted on the Facebook page of Pines nightspot Sip N Twirl which is owned by his Fire Island business partner PJ McAteer.

It reads:

"For my entire adult life, I have been an ardent supporter and activist for gay rights and LGBT organizations worldwide. I was given the opportunity to have a candid conversation with Senator Ted Cruz on where he stood on issues including the state of Israel and national security, which are the only places where we share common ground. It was just three months ago that I hosted a "Ready for Hillary" event for a record turnout of 900 people at The OUT Hotel. Senator Ted Cruz and I disagree strongly on the issue of gay marriage, but having an open dialogue with those who have differing political opinions is a part of what this country was founded on. My tireless support of the gay community and its causes worldwide hasn't changed and will not change."

Although the clear intent of posting the statement was to do damage control, at least one follower on the page isn't buying the apology.

"A couple of business owners who have staked their fortune on supporting/exploiting the gay community, gay men themselves, have chosen to align themselves with the most powerfully anti-LGBT candidate in the race to be the leader of the free world." a Facebook user wrote. "And it makes no sense to me either to give them my business (hence, boycott) or to try to figure out the twisted 'logic' behind their very public decision."


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