Michigan Mechanic Won't Fix Your Car If You're Gay


This guy may make the anti-gay marriage pizza woman look like Mother Theresa.

Bigotry took on an even uglier public face this week when the owner of an auto repair shop in Michigan not only said he wouldn't hesitate to deny service to LGBT customers, but also would purposefully screw up the repair if forced on the issue, local NBC affiliate Wood 8 reports.

The drama began when Brian Klawiter, owner of Dieseltec in Grandville, Michigan penned a post on his repair shop's Facebook page titled "Enough is enough."

"I am a Christian. My company will be run in a way that reflects that. Dishonesty, thievery, immoral behavior, etc. will not be welcomed at MY place of business," Klawiter wrote before threatening to botch up the repair job of anyone who challenged his perceived right to discriminate.

"I would not hesitate to refuse service to an openly gay person or persons. Homosexuality is wrong, period," he continued. "If you want to argue this fact with me then I will put your vehicle together with all bolts and no nuts and you can see how that works."

"I want to have a voice about this,"�Klawiter told 24 Hour News 8�Wednesday.�"I want to be heard about this... It's challenging to decide to say I'm on the opposing side of what's seen as the popular view."

While Klawiter has made it clear that he doesn't want to serve gay customers; he's made it equally clear that guns are OK in his shop.

"Guns ARE allowed at DIESELTEC, so much so in fact that we will offer a discount if you bring in your gun," Klawiter wrote before adding the following caveat, "'On duty' cops are excluded because thats not their gun, thats my gun bought with my money, off duty absolutely!"

Predictably, Klawiter's comments drew fire on social media, prompting his Yelp score to drop to 1 1/2 stars.

"I gave this place one star, because THATS what Jesus would do. Bigot," one Yelp user wrote.

"Best gay bar in town!" said another Yelp critic. "The local chapter of gays hold weekly meetings here and the Big 'D' (we call it the Big 'D') provides the best service. Need a place to be yourself and let go? Then come to the Big 'D' and show off some hot, man-on-man or lady-on-lady PDA! It's not only welcomed, It's encouraged! We love the Big 'D!' God bless!"

A somewhat sympathetic user appealed to Klawiter.

"If you want my honest opinion, I think you'd get some Brownie points with the man upstairs if you found a trusted member of the clergy and worked through the hate in your heart. �Until then, let's just focus on doing what I would do. �Which, to be clear, is definitely not being hateful toward others."

The debate over protections for LGBT citizens in Michigan are currently at a standstill in the state legislature.�


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