Threatening Letters to SD Gay Bars Mark Anniversary of Gay Marriage

Winnie McCroy READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Several San Diego gay bars in the Hillcrest neighborhood have filed police reports after receiving disturbing, rambling letters warning of impending accidents or death. The timing of the letters, at the one year anniversary of the Supreme Court's ruling that opened the door for gay marriage in California.

ABC 10 News reports that the businesses filed a police report on Friday, but are not seriously concerned.

At Baja Betty's, Marketing Manager Eddie Reynoso showed ABC News 10 the threatening 15-page letter that lists the bar as immoral, full of "child molesters and sex addicts," and issues a list of penalties that will happen if the business fails to shut its doors.

"God will punish you Mr Owner and staff with bad luck, bad karma, injuries, car accidents, loss income, fight with other people and worst your future death [sic]" promises the letter, written by Eddie 777, servant and messenger of the God Yahweh. The return address is a fictional Los Angeles location, and the letter was mailed with Pixar-theme stamps.

ABC 10 reports that a nearly identical letter was received down the street at Flicks video bar, where bartender Christopher Charles posted it on the bar's Facebook page, saying, "Posting it on Facebook shows those threats are still out there and that we aren't afraid. We want people to know."

"In my opinion, it's a definite reflection of the current progress toward equality," said Reynoso. "It's not going to distract us from our momentum. In fact, it's going to make us celebrate even more."

LGBT Weekly reported that vigilance has been stepped up at these bars as a result of the letters.

And the San Diego Gay & Lesbian News notes that the letter writer encouraged the business owner to change his sexuality to 'straight,' and claimed that Yahweh is now an owner of Flicks and Baja Betty's -- although he doesn't outline what percentage of ownership Yahweh will control.

SDGLN obtained the copies of the letters sent to the establishments, and said that letter writer Eddie 777 further suggests that gay people are not "good Christians and have evil mind, evil mind people are vices terrorist, robbers, carnappers, kidnappers, snatcher identity thefts, computer hackers, pervert, porno addict, homosexual people with to much immoral sexual activities with same sex, drug addicts..."

Business owners are for the most part taking the incident in stride, with Flicks owners saying on Facebook, "Oh how nice, we received a sweet little manifesto condemning us all to hell... If anyone would like to join us we have Karaoke tonight at 9pm and Happy Hour Prices all Day & Night! Have an amazing day ! YAHWEH!!!"

by Winnie McCroy , EDGE Editor

Winnie McCroy is the Women on the EDGE Editor, HIV/Health Editor, and Assistant Entertainment Editor for EDGE Media Network, handling all women's news, HIV health stories and theater reviews throughout the U.S. She has contributed to other publications, including The Village Voice, Gay City News, Chelsea Now and The Advocate, and lives in Brooklyn, New York.

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