Accomplished Psychic Comes to West End Salon & Spa


The Provincetown Licensing board on June 24th voted unanimously to give a Fortune Teller License to Georgii Filimonov of the West End Salon & Spa at 155 Commercial Street in Provincetown. The motion to approve his license was made by Deborah Heller and seconded by AJ Peters following a discussion on Filimonov's history and 10-year experience as a psychic.

Georgii Filimonov is 21 years old and originally from Saint Petersburg, Russia where he has worked for 10 years with tarot cards and amulets helping to guide hundreds of clients.

Specializing in tarot cards, Filimonov answers questions from his clients on all aspects of their lives from love, money, family and even their past lives. He also individually charms amulets to help protect his clients.

Filimonov discovered his ability at age 11 and began to hone his skills with the help of his mother, also an accomplished psychic, as she explained that his ability was a family trait. He later worked with Victoria Zheleznova, a well-known and accomplished Scandinavian psychic currently living in Russia while working around the world and in the United States.

West End Salon & Spa owner, Dougie Freeman is excited to now be working with Filimonov and offering his services at his salon, "My clients love to talk about what is going on in their lives and they frequently have questions about their future I only wish I could answer.

Now with the addition of Georgii and his talents we are excited to be able to help our clients not only find beauty on the outside, but also on the inside allowing their true beauty to show."

The West End Salon & Spa, located at 155 Commercial Street in Provincetown, is a full service salon and spa owned and operated by Dougie Freeman for over 30 years, and was featured on Bravo's hit TV series "Tabatha's Salon Takeover" in 2011. The salon offers a multitude of beauty and pampering services and is open year-round.

For more information about the West End Salon and Spa or psychic readings with Georgii Filimonov call (508) 487-1872, find them on Facebook or visit


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