Romney to Brewer: Veto the Bill


Former GOP presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney is the latest high profile member of the Republican party to lend his voice in opposition to Arizona's "turn away the gays" bill that would allow businesses to refuse service to gays and lesbians on religious grounds.

Former Governor of Massachusetts and 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney took to Twitter today to urge fellow Republican, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer to veto the bill.

He tweeted:

@GovBrewer: veto of SB1062 is right.

Brewer received a similar tweet from fellow Republican and 2008 GOP presidential hopeful John McCain, Senator from Arizona, Monday asking her not to sign the anti-gay legislation.

The bill, which was passed by both chambers of the Arizona legislature has been awaiting Governor Brewer to act on it since last week. If the bill is neither signed nor vetoed by Friday, it becomes law.


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