GOP Senate Rival And Social Media Followers Comment on Booker's Gay Quote

Bobby McGuire READ TIME: 3 MIN.

In an interview with the Washington Post yesterday, Newark Mayor and US Senate hopeful Cory Booker opened a proverbial "can of worms" when he made brief mention of gay rumors that have dogged him for years. His Republican rival in the senate race and followers on social media wasted no time commending and condemning the popular politician for his comments.

The quote by Booker at the center of the controversy, published in yesterday's Washington Post came in response to questions about the gay rumors that have surrounded the 44 year old unmarried politician throughout his career.

"And people who think I'm gay, some part of me thinks it's wonderful. Because I want to challenge people on their homophobia" said Booker, adding "I love seeing on Twitter when someone says I'm gay, and I say, 'So what does it matter if I am? So be it. I hope you are not voting for me because you are making the presumption that I'm straight."

As reported in The Slate,Those comments seems to have left rival candidate, Republican Steve Lonegan, a little uncomfortable. In an interview with Newsmax's Steve Malzberg, Lonegan said:

"It's kind of weird. As a guy, I personally like being a guy. I don't know if you saw the stories last year. They've been out for quite a bit about how he likes to go out at three o'clock in the morning for a manicure and a pedicure."

The Slate article goes on to state that Lonegan, who began his answer by admitting that he hadn't seen the actual article in question, pressed on nonetheless. After saying that he "couldn't say" whether Booker was "acting ambiguous" to win over gay voters, Lonegan made it pretty clear what type of voter he was trying to attract: "I don't like going out in the middle of the night, or any time of the day, for a manicure and pedicure. It was described as his peculiar fetish. I have a more peculiar fetish. I like a good Scotch and a cigar. That's my fetish but we'll just compare the two."

Comments on social media surrounding the senate hopeful's comments ran the gamut from supportive to suspicious as reported by

Slingha replied:
First off, Who cares if he's gay. Secondly, allow me to point out the stupidity of your argument. Basically you are saying that straight politicians who install their goons and side actions into political posts are OK, but because he is gay, it's not OK?

Why is it important? What about the fact this man supports changing the definition of marriage and is very vocal about it? He claims he supports Gay rights etc but, won't discuss if he is gay or not?

Booker is a hypocrite. He should be so proud of being gay that he should declare himself and then he can hold himself up as a role model for the gay community. This stance he has taken proves that he is fearful that admitting he is gay might cost him the election. So, while he says that the issue has no bearing, he doesn't have the conviction to stand up for what he is...either way. Try to man up Booker.

Today, JoeMyGod ran two screengrabs from Booker's Twitter account where the Newark Mayor confronts a homophobic naysayer.

KeepItKrispy @280ZAY
@CoryBooker ehh Cory rumor has it you're a butt pirate.. Confirm the people this isn't true smh c'mon man

Booker replied

CoryBooker @CoryBooker
Your bigotry is no less heinous than race bigotry @280ZAY

Booker is running in a special election for the senate seat left vacant after long time democratic senator Frank Lautenberg died in June. A poll taken on August 20 posted on Real Clear Politics has Booker leading his opponent in the Senate race by sixteen points.

by Bobby McGuire

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