Santorum appropriates "Santorum" for New Attack Ad

Robert Nesti READ TIME: 2 MIN.

If you can't beat them, join them.

That's what Rick Santorum's campaign must be thinking.

What else explains for his newest "attack" ad against Mitt Romney.

In the ad, entitled "Rombo" that was revealed yesterday, a Romney look-alike (wonder what the casting call was like for that) chases Santorum (tellingly represented by a cardboard stand-up) around what looks like an empty warehouse with an assault rifle.

When Romney shoots - and misses Santorum repeatedly - what comes out of his gun isn't bullets (rubber or otherwise), but a wet, brown substance.

Could it be "santorum?"

If so, kudos to Santorum to appropriating the term. Just like gays changed the meaning of "queer" by using it, Santorum appears to be taking ownership of the term Dan Savage invented. (Click here for the exact meaning.)

But perhaps the truth is no one at the Santorum campaign made the connection, which can only lead us to believe that they're even dimmer than they appear to be.

Whatever. Enjoy it now before Santorum takes it down and it becomes a Fox News talking point.

"SNL" couldn't have done it better.

by Robert Nesti , EDGE National Arts & Entertainment Editor

Robert Nesti can be reached at [email protected].

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