The Fitness Guy - Many Serious Side Effects to Testosterone Supplementation

Kevin Mark Kline READ TIME: 3 MIN.

Q: I am a healthy 31-year-old male interested in gaining some serious muscle with as little effort as possible. Do you see any problem with me doing a few cycles of testosterone and a steroid like deca-durabolin?

A: I referred your question to my friend and colleague Nelson Vergel, author of the book "Testosterone: A Man's Guide" for an expert opinion. Mr. Vergel's response:

I do not promote anabolic steroid use since it is illegal in the United States for anyone without a medically justified reason to use them. However, if you are going to use them anyway, I believe that it would be a good idea for you to learn all potential side effects, especially if you will not be frank with your doctor about it.

The most important side effects of testosterone and anabolics are polycythemia, a condition that results in an increased level of circulating red blood cells in the bloodstream, and gynecomastia, the development of large breasts in men. Visit for an excerpt of my book "Testosterone: A Man's Guide" about the side effects not only of testosterone, but also of any anabolic steroids. Anabolic molecules are closely related to testosterone, so they have a lot of the same side effects.

One thing that most guys using steroids do not know: when you start using them, your own body will shut down its own production of testosterone. When you stop using them, your body goes through a long period of time not producing testosterone. Most young guys go back to normal a few weeks later, but in the process they lose a lot of the muscle mass they have gained. There are ways to accelerate the normalization of your own testosterone production, although they have not been proven in controlled studies. You may want to read the section in my book that talks about the normalization of the HPGA (hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis) after testosterone or anabolic use.

A smart bodybuilder is one who also follows his blood work. It is advisable to have a doctor monitor you. Some guys may not have a doctor, and that concerns me. The least you can do is to get blood work done in independent labs even without a doctor's order. There are several in South Florida.

The blood tests required are described in the above link and in detail in the book.

You can read more about it and ask me questions at:


Use more vinegar to improve cardiovascular health

For years, I have used a couple teaspoons of vinegar to stop occasional bouts of heartburn. Now, scientists have discovered vinegar is beneficial in promoting good heart health. Men's Health editors report the study, conducted in Sweden, found that consuming 2 tablespoons of vinegar with a high-carb meal lowered blood sugar by an impressive 23 percent.
Vinegar is packed with polyphenols, powerful chemicals that improve cardiovascular health.

Besides combining antioxidant-loaded vinegar with olive oil for a salad dressing, you can use it to punch up your cooking.

Add a splash of Balsamic vinegar to mayonnaise before spreading it on a sandwich, drizzle a few tablespoons of red or white wine vinegar on a hot pan of saut�ed vegetables (especially caramelized onions) or throw a shot of sherry vinegar into your next bowl of tomato soup.

by Kevin Mark Kline , Director of Promotions

Copyright South Florida Gay News. For more articles, visit

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