Ellie Goulding :: Conquers the UK, now tries the USA

BeBe Sweetbriar READ TIME: 9 MIN.

With a flock of great musical talent coming out of the UK these days, it is not unusual to be writing about another British invader set to light up the music charts in America. Ellie Goulding is one of those talents that either continent has yet to see in awhile, with the talent and fanfare of a superstar, yet the wholesomeness of the girl next door that any teenager's mother would be proud to fork out the $15 to purchase their music.

With one of the biggest selling albums of 2010 in the UK with "Lights," Goulding brings her collection of songs and a tour to the States for all of us to witness her 'nice girl with a big career' talents. With two dance tracks, "Starry Eyed" and "Lights," already lighting up the dance floor in US clubs, the 24-year old darling has caught the attention of the club kids. Before kicking off her US tour dates, I caught up with Ellie and chatted a bit about her success, staying grounded, and her film aspirations.

Over the top

BeBe: I know you have experienced so much success over the last couple of years over there in the UK being one of only two people to have won both the BBC Sound of Poll and the Critics Award at the Brits in the same year. That must have taken you over the top.

Ellie: Yes, it was really nice. I guess it was a lot of pressure placed on me, but I really wasn't fazed by it. I was quite innocent to it all. But when I look back, I now realized how intense it was. People kind of expected me, I don't know, sort of .....I don't know. I guess turned it up when I showed up on stage. But there I was just me and my guitar. In a way I think it quite refreshing because I wasn't like a fashion icon or like an icon in general. I was kind of just this girl who had written an album, and gigging, and people had responded amazingly to my songs and supported me. There really wasn't any sort of campaign or anything. It just all sort of happened.

BeBe: Your album "Lights" did very well in the UK going to No. 1, and then you repackaged it a bit an reissued it as "Bright Lights." What was the driving force of repackaging an already successful collection of music?

Ellie: I felt like had moved on a bit since I made "Lights," and I think everyone felt like I had a bit more to give. So I wanted to get out some new songs. I loved the full deck (of songs) on the repackage. I kind of wanted to emphasize that it wasn't just the B-side or crappy songs I had laying around. These are songs I really loved and made with a lot of energy. I just wanted to elevate it a little bit. And it worked. "Bright Lights" has done so well. Amazingly well, actually.

What did Elton say?

BeBe: How as it recorded "Your Song" originally done by the legendary Elton John and making it your own?

Ellie: I think people thought I was going to be really scared to do it, especially (a song) from such a legendary artist. But I didn't think about it that much. At the time I recorded it, I didn't even think it was going to see the light of day. I just kind of recorded for the record company, and they didn't even confirm that it would definitely be used. So, I had no idea. But it ended up being one of the most popular songs of last year (2010). I don't know how that happened.

BeBe: Have you heard from Elton and what does he think of it? Because it is tough when you touch something that has already been gold for someone else.

Ellie: Elton mentioned at one of his shows that he was really, really proud of it. If he hadn't liked it, I'd been so embarrassed!

BeBe: With "Your Song" being the first single off of "Bright Lights," "Lights" is the second single off "Bright Lights" in the UK and the lead single and title track off the U.S. edition of the "Lights" album. How is it doing?

Ellie: It's having an amazing reaction. People have kind of liked that song from the beginning. When people Tweet me they say they like that song the most. It's one the most popular songs off the album. It wasn't on the original album (Lights) in the UK, but it is on "Bright Lights."

BeBe: I caught an acoustic session on YouTube you were doing on like a radio taping of some sort and it was great. When you perform live do you perform acoustic versions primarily or is it a mixture of acoustic and full production?

Ellie: We start off with band, and then in the middle of the set, we do some acoustic stuff, and then back to full band. We make sure we have a good mixture. You know some people like the acoustic and more set back stuff.

BeBe: The acoustic stuff really shows your vocal prowess. You have such a soothing vocal. You are like the UK Sade. I went crazy when I saw the YouTube video.

Ellie: (laughs) Ah, thank you.

BeBe: You are definitely making your mark here in the States. You are starting to tour over here and you have a show on April 21 here in San Francisco at the W Hotel, and a string of performances in Southern California the week before that. How are you taking in all this positive reaction to your music? Like you said, you're just a girl writing some music and playing a guitar, but you are getting all this positive feedback from across the world. How are you taking all this in and staying grounded?

Ellie: It's amazing! I genuinely appreciate every single comment, every single compliment I ever get. Because with every praise there is always someone who doesn't like your music. So, it's really good to hear such positive feedback. I guess it is good to take in some of the negative stuff because it is good to kind of keep your feet on the ground. To realize that you are not going to be liked by everybody. It gives you a good balance. You can get kind of carried away with all the positivity and stuff.

Just a normal girl....

BeBe: It's kind of refreshing to see. We have had such a huge amount of young talent come out in recent years that have blown up to be superstars and with it the attitude has come. It's really refreshing to find artists, such as yourself, who really continue to keep the focus on the music. And let the music set the example for your fans and your peers. And it's great to see this being received well.

Ellie:: I think a lot of girls, younger girls, relate to me here (in UK) because I'm pretty normal. As much as I like to dress up, I love wearing big heels and wearing make-up, but really, I'm pretty normal. I'm just doing quite cool. I'm doing something quite inspirational. , I'm selling albums, I'm performing at big venues, and I'm on the television. I think girls find that quite inspiring. It makes girls here realize they can do the same thing.

BeBe: You and Adele have definitely set a good example. Be normal. Be you. Put forth your talent and it can happen.

Ellie:. I love Adele.

BeBe: Who are some of your musical influences?

Ellie:: Bjork, Beyonce, Lauren Hill, Feist, Annie D'Franco, Fionn Regan, and Justin Vernon.

BeBe: You have collaborated with a great list of artists already, but who would you like to work with that you have yet to?

Ellie:: Drake as he's the greatest lyricist I've heard in a long time.

BeBe: I know you wrote some original music for the film "Life In A Day" that premiered at Sundance Film Festival to rave reviews. I know the song was very well received. Are you planning on doing or contributing to movie soundtracks in the future?

Ellie:: I kind of want to be in a film (both laugh)! Acting was my thing for a large part of my life. I kind of would like to be in a film. Fate has always driven towards things. It drove me to singing and playing the guitar. Now it's drawing to acting again. So, something weird is happening.

BeBe: Well, it's worked for Barbra Streisand, so why not, right?

Ellie:: Absolutely.

BeBe: We have this wonderful across the seas invasion of female artists taking America by storm, such as Jessie J., Adele, Denmark's Oh Land and yourself. What is your take on why we in the States have embraced you all so?

Ellie:: It's the same as us liking big American artists.... it's refreshing for them to hear. People have also said they like my accent. I think your surroundings and culture often dictate what music you end up growing up to, so inevitably music will sound a little bit different sometimes. It's exactly the same as us loving Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and Rihanna.

Whatever the reason we have taken to the sounds coming from across the waters, Ellie: Goulding is the breeze of freshness that has been missing for a while. Inhale, take a deep breath of Ellie: Goulding. You may be surprised at what you exhale!

Upcoming tour dates for Ellie: Goulding include:

April 15, 2011, Indio, CA, Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival
April 16, 2011, San Diego, CA, The Casbah
April 20, 2011 , Hollywood, CA, The Music Box
April 21, 2011, San Francisco, CA, The W Hotel

For more information on Ellie: Goulding www.elliegoulding.com

by BeBe Sweetbriar

Based out of San Francisco, BEBE SWEETBRIAR is the Omni Present Drag Chanteuse. As an entertainer and hostess, BeBe can be scene every week hosting and performing at countless events and parties in the San Francisco. One of the few drag personalities to sing live while performing, BeBe has literally graced every notable stage in San Francisco, bridging many gay sub-community gaps. She has also been the opening act for Destiny's Child Kelly Rowland, "Ugly Betty's" Alec Mapa and Dance Diva Kristine W. Adding recording artist to her list of performance accomplishments in 2008 with the release of her first single "Save Me", Ms. Sweetbriar will soon release her fifth dance single in 2012 called "Show It Off"..
As an actress, BeBe was introduced to film with a lead role in the independent film "Under One Sun" with her character dealing with religious, racial and gender issues. Additionally, she appeared in the campy musical "Devious, Inc" (Australian Film Festival, San Francisco Short Film Fest) also adding additional vocals to the musical soundtrack. Both of these performances led to her selection for a lead role in Aisha Media's next short film series, "Con-tin.u.um" to be released in 2012.

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